What is a Lace Front Wig?

So you’ve decided you want to give your hair a break and install a protective style. Crochet installs or box braids aren’t your thing and your see this new craze of lace front wigs and closures. If you’re like me, you’re wondering, ‘what is this thing called a lace front and can I get mine to slay like Beyoncé?’

A lace front (whether a wig or sew in frontal) is sheer lace mesh located at the front of the wig cap and hairs are individually hand tied onto the lace front piece in order to create a more natural appearance.Lace fronts have been around for over a decade but were mainly being used by the Hollywood movie industry to most naturally transform actors into character.Thanks to the likes of celebrities such as Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani, and the Kardashian's who all wear wigs to get the look they want, lace wigs have become increasingly popular among the general population. Lace frontals and lace closures are both very useful in creating beautiful sew in installations. Some of the benefits of installing lace frontals/closures are:

  • They both serve the same purpose, which is to close off an install
  • They both eliminate the need for blending
  • By eliminating blending, you’re allowing all of your natural hair to be protect and preventing any breakage on your ‘leave out’ (the part of your hair you would normally have to leave out and blend in with your sew in or wig. This can eventually be the most damaging part of your hair as you may have to flat iron or curl on a daily basis in order to blend in with your extensions)

Lace front wigs are your secret weapon to a flawless undetectable wig and to gorgeous hair! Wigs with lace fronts can be styled away from the face because the hairline is nearly invisible and the scalp can be seen through the mesh. You can also pull the hair of the wig back or tuck it behind your ears without the wig cap being seen. This gives you versatility and a very realistic. Here are some examples:



Front lace wigs are extremely durable thanks to the lace material that is used to manufacture them. They are also breathable. Often times, people find themselves sweating profusely when they are using wigs because their hair does not have the space to breathe and front lace wigs help alleviate that issue.

As with any protective style, it’s important to make sure you’re not neglecting your natural hair. If you only wear your wig a week or so at a time, you can skip shampooing and conditioning until you remove it. Long-term wear, however, requires routine care so that your own hair doesn’t become dry and brittle. After cleansing your hair and scalp, thoroughly dry your tresses, using a hood or bonnet dryer if necessary. Allowing your scalp to remain moist underneath your wig is inviting problems.

Lace Front Wigs can be an easy protective style when done correctly and as with any style, your natural hair should be the key factor in deciding which style to choose from.